Break free from the hustle - the productivity lie we tell ourselves.
I need to pay attention to this article. Thanks for your good tips
I’m glad it resonated. Slow and steady is my mantra.
This is probably one of the perks of hitting midlife - I don't have the energy to push myself anymore and I don't care about trying to.
Nothing I do is so important that it comes before my wellness or peace of mind.
Amen to that. Boring and intentional is it for me.
I need to pay attention to this article. Thanks for your good tips
I’m glad it resonated. Slow and steady is my mantra.
This is probably one of the perks of hitting midlife - I don't have the energy to push myself anymore and I don't care about trying to.
Nothing I do is so important that it comes before my wellness or peace of mind.
Amen to that. Boring and intentional is it for me.